Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I've noticed an increase in viewership of my blog!  I am grateful for all your support!  Have a great day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blue Rise

I was cleaning out my grandmother's china cabinet after she had passed on.  I came across a picture of her and my grandfather just after they got married.  Grandmother held tightly onto my grandfather's arm.  In her other hand were four irises. 

The love they felt on that day did not diminish over the sixty years they were married.  We should all be that lucky.
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Have A Blooming Day

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Follow The White Rabbit (For Lizzie)

I was reading a bunny book to the sweetest little girl ever.  How big her heart is when it comes to animals and people alike.  Children are sometimes the best teachers.

But she does have a extra special place in her heart for little bunny rabbits... 

Well, little Lizzie, this bunny is for you.